9 Best Free Blogging Platform for Start Your Own Blogging Site in 2023

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If you’re interested in starting your own blog but don’t know where to start, I hope you will get your answer from this blog post. In this article, I will discuss with you the 9 best free blogging platform that is very helpful for new bloggers. These platforms make it easy for you to get started, without having to invest lots of money. So let’s start your blogging journey with the best free blogging platform.

Table of Contents

How to start a blog on any of  the best free blogging platform?

Starting a blog is a great way to share your thoughts and ideas with the world, and make some money in the process. There are many free blogging platforms available, so it’s important to choose one that is right for you. Some of the best free blogging platforms include Blogger, WordPress, and Tumblr. Once you’ve selected a platform, sign up and start building your blog. Make sure to add content regularly and develop an audience of readers who will appreciate what you have to offer. As with all online business ventures, monetization opportunities are abundant on free blogging platforms – make the most of them! Finally, make sure to check out our essential tips for choosing a blogging platform that will work well for your online business!

Profitable Micro Niche Blog Ideas for Beginner Bloggers in 2022

How to Make Money from Blog

You can monetize your blog in a variety of ways – through advertising, Example Google AdSense, Ezoic Ads Network, etc. you can also make money by affiliate marketing , and selling products from your blog post. If you’re wondering where to start, these 9 best blogging platforms for beginners will help!

22 Proven Methods: How to Make a Profitable Website

What are the benefits of starting a blog?

Blogging is the best profession for making money online. it will be freedom in your life. you can generate a lot of money from blogging if you want. and also Blogging will create passive income for you when you will sleep then blog work for you.

How to monetize your blog?

Monetizing your blog can be a challenging task, but it is not impossible. The most common way to monetize a blog is through advertising revenue. However, this approach requires significant time and effort on your part to set up and maintain effective ads campaigns. Another popular way of monetizing a blog is by charging for access to premium content or services that you offer. This can include e-books, webinars, membership sites, or more comprehensive guides.

Finally, you may also want to consider charging for consultations or coaching sessions related to your niche topic area. By providing valuable information in an easy-to-follow format, you can generate leads and sales that will help fund the expenses associated with running your blog!

How often should you publish new blog posts?

How often you should publish new blog posts. After reading this post I hope you will understand, additionally, we recommend publishing at least once a week and making sure your blog content is of high quality and unique. However, as with anything, there is no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to blogging frequency. The best way to find out what works best for you is to experiment and see what content gets the best results for your niche and audience. Finally, remember to optimize your blog’s title tags and metadata for better search engine visibility!

9 best Free Blogging Platforms for Beginners

There are a variety of free blogging platforms that you can use to get started, each platform has its own unique features, so it’s important to choose one that best suits your needs. So don’t be discouraged, I will help you to find out the best free blogging platforms for your blog, let’s start.

1. Blogging with WordPress

wordpress for free blogging platform

WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems (CMS) in use today and for good reason – it’s very user-friendly, versatile, and can be edited by anyone with basic HTML/CSS knowledge. This platform has a wide range of features that can be customized to your own needs and makes it easy to find plugins and themes for use on your blog, or by charging for content access. WordPress is definitely for starting your blogging journey.

How to start your blogging journey with  Best Free Blogging Platform WordPress

  • First of all, you need to create a blog account on WordPress.com or WordPress.org.
  • Next, you need to install the WordPress CMS on your Hosting Server.
  • Now Choose a WordPress theme to create your dream website.
  • Now install some WordPress Plugin for more functionality and secret your website
  • Upload your content and choose a design for your website.
  • After completing the design your website will need to create a blog post and add content.
  • Now you are ready to publish your blog post on google and another search engine

Advantages of using Free Blogging Platform WordPress

  • It is free and open source, meaning that it is accessible to everyone.
  • It is highly customizable and can be adapted to suit any need or project.
  • WordPress also has an active community that helps you out with any issue that you might face
  • It is a highly versatile platform and can be used for a variety of purposes, such as small businesses, e-commerce sites, or personal blogs.
  • It is free to use and has a vast amount of plugins that let you customize your website the way you want it.

Disadvantages of using Free Blogging Platform WordPress

  • It does have some limitations that you need to be aware of.
  • Needs some technical knowledge for advanced level blogger.

WordPress Pricing & Plans

wordpress price table

Trending FAQs about WordPress that will help you decide

What is the best FAQ plugin for WordPress in 2022?

One of the best plugins for WordPress that can help you to create FAQs is Q&A. This plugin allows you to quickly and easily create, manage, and publish questions and answers with a streamlined interface. If you’re looking for a simple FAQ plugin that allows you to easily create and manage questions and responses you should use Accordion FAQ, Plugin is totally free.

Alternatively, if you need more functionality, then you can use the free plugin Ultimate FAQs might be a better choice.

WordPress all Themes & Plugins are free?

Not all WordPress Themes & Plugins are free. In fact, there are many that require you to pay for them in order to use them effectively. However, there are a few that offer 100% free usage.

If you would like to have more control over the look and functionality of your website, then paying for Themes & plugins might be the best option for you. There are many premium options available on Themes & plugins marketplaces such as ThemeForest and WooThemes, which give you access to features and customization unavailable in free plugins.

2. Blogging with WIX

Wix for free Blogging

If you’re looking for an easy-to-use platform that lets you create a website without any hassle, Wix is a perfect choice. It’s free to sign up and there are no hidden fees – all revenue generated from your website goes straight into your pocket. You can also make money from ads, selling products, or charging for services on your site. In addition to this, Wix offers a wide range of templates and designs so that you can customize yours exactly the way you want it.

How to start your blogging journey with WIX

  • First, you need to sign up for a WIX account.
  • Once you have registered, you will be able to create a website or a blog.
  • You can also choose to use WIX as your website builder or host your website with WIX.
  • Next, you need to add content to your website or blog.
  • You can add text, images, and videos.
  • Finally, you need to optimize your website or blog for better traffic.

Advantages of using WIX

  • WIX is a drag and drop website builder that lets you create a professional website in minutes.
  • You can use WIX to create a website for your business, personal blog, or even a portfolio
  • WIX is free to use and there are no hidden charges or subscription fees.
  • You can use WIX to create websites in any language.

Disadvantages of using WIX

  • Wix Premium Plans price is much higher than all other popular CMS platforms
  • WIX is not as user-friendly as some of the other popular website builders.
  • Wix is a drag and difficult to use.
  • It is not 100% mobile-friendly.

WIX Pricing & Plans

wix price table

Trending FAQs about WIX that will help you decide

Is Wix good for beginner’s levels bloggers?

Yes, It great platform for beginners levels bloggers because it is easy to use and populated with templates that you can customize to your liking.

Can I get google AdSense approval on a website that I built with Wix?

The answer to this question is yes, you will definitely get approval. It depends on your website’s content quality.

Final thoughts on Wix

Now that we have covered all the major aspects of Wix CMS, it is time to talk about the verdict. For a new website, you should definitely go for this platform. The drag-and-drop system makes creating websites easy and fun! Moreover, customization options are also available.

In case you have been trying your hand at website creation but are facing some difficulties due to a lack of experience, then try out Wix! It will take no time for you to create a professional-looking website on this platform!

3. Blogging with Blogger

blogger.com free platform for new blogger

Blogger has been a leading platform for online publishing since 1999. It is a versatile platform that allows you to create a blog, a website, or a blog network. There are lots of great features available such as social media integration that make blogging an exciting experience for both you and your readers. With Blogger, you can easily publish new content, manage your audience, and generate leads and sales.

How to start your blogging journey with Blogger

  • Open a new account on Blogger.
  • Enter your name, email address, and password.
  • Click on the “Create a Blog” button.
  • Select a template and click on the “Next” button.
  • Add your content and click on the “Publish” button.

Advantages of using Blogger

  • The biggest advantage of using the blogger platform, is that everything is completely free.
  • There’s no need to be a web designer or software developer to get started.

Disadvantages of using Blogger

  • This domain name is not your personal, if you want your own domain name, you’ll need to buy one
  • It’s not well suited for more complex sites or those that need to manage large volumes of content.
  • It can be easily attacked by hackers.
  • Blogger is less secure than other platforms, such as WordPress.

Blogger Pricing & Plans

This Blogger Platform Provide by Google, that why It’s completely free blogging platform for everyone.

Trending FAQs about bloggers that will help you decide

How to join the blogger community?

There are many ways to join the blogger community. You can start by writing blogs of your own and sharing them with the community through social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. Or you can participate in blog-related discussions on forums or websites. You could also join online communities that focus specifically on bloggers or attend blogging events as guest speakers or panelists.

4. Blogging with Squarespace

Squarespace free blogging platforam

Squarespace is a great platform for beginner blog owners. It has an extensive library of templates and tools that makes it easy to get started, while its interface is simple to use even for those without any previous blogging experience. What’s more, you can also sell products and services through your blog – something that not many platforms offer. If you’re looking to start blogging but don’t have any prior experience or want to take things slow, SquareSpace is the perfect platform for you! You can create a blog without having to spend too much time learning how things work first – just jump in and start publishing content right away!

How to start your blogging journey with Squarespace

  • First, sign up and create a Squarespace Account.
  • Log in to your account and create a new website by clicking on the ‘Create a New Website’ button.
  • Next, enter your website’s name and a basic description of what it is.
  • You will then be given the opportunity to choose a template or design from Squarespace’s vast library.
  • Choose a template that best suits your content and design style.
  • List Upload your images and videos, and add any extra content you might need.Element
  • Choose a payment plan that works best for you.
  • You’re ready to go!

Advantages of using Squarespace

  •  It has an easy-to-use interface that is perfect for creating unique and personalized websites.
  • You can use it to create an online store, too!
  • You can also add custom designs, colors, and fonts to make your website look unique.
  • It is easy to use and the templates that are available are of good quality

Disadvantages of using Squarespace

  • The website is not mobile-friendly and can take a lot of time to load.
  • Squarespace also charges high monthly fees.
  • Squarespace is not a free platform and it charges you monthly or annually for its advanced services.
  • There’s no auto-save for pages and posts.

Squarespace Pricing & Plans

squarnce price table

Trending FAQs about Squarespace that will help you decide

Can I make an affiliate marketing site using Squarespace?

Absolutely! Squarespace makes it easy to create a professional affiliate marketing site that looks great on any device. Additionally, Squarespace provides a variety of features that can help you to create engaging content that customers will love.

5. Blogging with Medium

Medium free blogging platform

Medium is a great free blogging platform that anyone can use. It has an easy-to-use interface and allows you to post articles on any topic. There is no need to create an account or pay any subscription fees, which makes it the perfect platform for first-time bloggers. You can share your blogs with the world without having to worry about hosting or bandwidth issues.

How to start your blogging journey with Medium

  • First, create a Medium profile.
  • Once you have registered, log in and create a new blog.
  • Choose a template and customize it to your liking.
  • After customizing your blog site Write quality content that is interesting and helpful to your readers.
  • Engage with your readers by commenting on their posts and answering their questions
  • Share your work with your followers and use the Medium commenting system to engage with them.

Advantages of using Medium

  • Medium is an excellent platform for sharing your thoughts, ideas, and stories.
  • You can also find people who share your interests and connect with them easily
  •  It is an effective way of marketing your products or services
  •  Overall, Medium is an amazing way to learn, share, and connect with others!
  • Medium has a large and engaged audience that loves reading your content.

Disadvantages of using Medium

  • There is a limit on the number of posts that you can make per day.
  • You will have to pay for the privilege of using Medium.
  • It can be difficult to track stats and metrics on your posts
  • You have to pay for ads if you want to get seen by more people

Medium Pricing & Plans

Medium price table

Trending FAQs about Medium that will help you decide

How many people use Medium?

According to Statista, as of July 2022, Medium had a total of 133.40M million monthly active users.

6. Blogging with Weebly

Weebly free blogging platform

Weebly ​​​is a free and user-friendly platform that can be used to start your own blog quickly. It offers a wide range of templates and tools, as well as the option to monetize through ads, sponsorships, or affiliate marketing.

How to start your blogging journey with Weebly

  • Firstly, Sign up for a free Weebly account.
  • Once you have created your account, you will need to choose a template to start your blog with Weebly.
  • Upload your images and start writing!
  • Finally, add a Google Analytics tag to your website to track traffic.

Advantages of using Weebly

  • Weebly offers a free domain name with every account.
  • You can use it to host your business or personal website.
  • You can also use Weebly to create an online store or build a social media platform

Disadvantages of using Weebly

  • Poor user interface that can be confusing for first-time users.
  • Limited customization options for your website
  • Limited features when compared to other popular website builders
  • Limited support options that may not be available in your region.

Weebly Pricing & Plans

weeble price table

Trending FAQs about Weebly that will help you decide

Why should I choose Weebly? When there are so many platforms online?

This can be extremely helpful if you are not familiar with coding. And also if you want to use a developed platform, with a free domain for developing your own website.

7. Blogging with LinkedIn

Linkedin free blogging platform

LinkedIn is one of the best social media platforms for business owners. It can be used to connect with potential customers, build relationships, and share content to receive feedback. Additionally, LinkedIn offers a free blogging platform that business owners can use to share their thoughts with the community. This platform has a large following of entrepreneurs who are always willing or able to help out others in need.

How to start your blogging journey with LinkedIn

  • First, create a LinkedIn profile and make sure that it is accurate, up-to-date, and professional.
  • Fill in the required information, including a name for your blog,
  • Then, go to “Posts” and select “Add New Post
  • In the Title field, type a catchy title for your post.
  • In the Body field, type a short and sweet message about your post
  • Click on the Publish button and you’re done!

Advantages of using LinkedIn

  • It helps you stay up to date with industry trends and developments.
  • It helps you connect with people who can help you grow your blogging career.
  • You can find job opportunities, connect with co-workers, and find new clients

Disadvantages of using LinkedIn

  • LinkedIn is not free, and you will have to pay for certain features like premium accounts, group subscriptions, and more.
  • It can be counterproductive if you are not using it in the right way.

LinkedIn Pricing & Plans

linkedin price table

Trending FAQs about LinkedIn that will help you decide

What are the benefits of LinkedIn for a new blogger?

As a new blogger, you will likely want to join LinkedIn groups related to your niche or topic area in order to connect with other bloggers and experts. Additionally, LinkedIn offers some valuable tools that can help you improve the visibility of your blog, including its powerful search feature. This can be a good place to network and learn about different blogging platforms and how best to optimize them for SEO purposes.

Lastly, using LinkedIn skillsets such as email marketing or social media management can help you generate leads and grow your blog traffic over time.

8. Blogging with Tumblr

Tumblr free blogging platform

Tumblr is a social media platform that is very easy to use and navigate. It’s perfect for blog beginners just starting out, as well as people who are looking for an easy way to connect with other bloggers and industry insiders. You can also use Tumblr for content marketing purposes – by blogging on it, then monetizing your blog through ads and sponsorships.

How to start your blogging journey with Tumblr

  • First, create a Tumblr account.
  • Log in to your Tumblr account dashboard.
  • Then, go to your Dashboard > Settings and make sure that your blog URL is set to your Tumblr account.
  • Click on the ‘Posts’ tab on the left-hand side.
  • Select ‘New Post’
  • In the Title field, type a catchy and descriptive title for your post.
  • In the Body field, type your post content.
  • Click on the ‘Publish’ button at the bottom of the screen.

Advantages of using Tumblr

  • It can help you build a following for your blog or website.
  • Tumblr is an excellent platform for promoting your brand or business.

Disadvantages of using Tumblr

  • There is a lack of customization options available.

Tumblr Pricing & Plans

tumblr price table

Trending FAQs about Tumblr that will help you decide

What is the minimum age to use Tumblr?

While there isn’t a specific minimum age that is required, Tumblr does have some guidelines concerning the type of content that can be posted. This platform is designed for users aged 13 and above,

How many people use Tumblr every day?

There is no definitive answer to this question, as Tumblr continues to grow in popularity and many people use it daily. As of July 2022, Tumblr had over 297.20M million monthly active users and more than 74 billion posts have been made on the platform.

9. Blogging with Joomla

Joomla free blogging platform

Joomla is one of the most popular content management systems (CMS) in use today. It features a wide range of features that makes it perfect for beginner bloggers, including easy customization and installation, tons of plugins and themes to choose from, as well as quick blog setup procedures. You can even start monetizing your blog right away! Joomla also has a strong following among business owners who are looking for an affordable platform that offers great functionality and flexibility.

How to start your blogging journey with Joomla

  • First of all, you need to create a new account in Joomla.
  • After that, you will need to install the Joomla content management system.
  • Next, you will need to install the Joomla blogging module.
  • After that, you will need to configure the module settings.
  •  Install the plugins that you need to make your website functional.
  • Configure the security settings of your website to make sure that it is safe to browse.
  • Finally, add articles and images to your website, and then publish it.

Advantages of using Joomla

  • Joomla also has an active community that helps you solve any problem that you may face.
  • You can also add extensions and plugins to make your website more functional.
  • It has a modular architecture that makes it easy to customize and extend.
  • You can use it for both commercial and personal websites.

Disadvantages of using Joomla

  • There are many disadvantages of using Joomla, such as its vulnerability to attacks, low security, and slow performance.
  • It also has a high learning curve, and may not be suitable for new website owners

Joomla Pricing & Plans

jumla price table

Trending FAQs about Joomla that will help you decide

How can I add Joomla Extensions?

There are a few ways that you can add Joomla extensions.

– The first way is to use the extension manager.

– The second way is to use the Joomla developmental module.

– The third way is to use the Joomla package manager.

– The fourth way is to use the Joomla extension developer.

A Few More Things to Know About Free Blogging Platforms

When it comes to free blogging platforms, there are a variety of options available. Some of the best ones include blogger.com, wordpress.com, tumblr.com, and google.com/ blogger. Before you sign up for one, be sure to do your research and choose one that’s reputable. Once you have an account, you’ll need to select a theme or design and create content accordingly. It’s also important to note that free blogging platforms require you to post content at least once a week in order to stay active, so be prepared to put in the effort!

Why It’s Hard to Make Money on a Free Blogging Platform

There are a lot of free blogging platforms out there, but it can be hard to make money from them. That’s because most of them don’t have good advertising programs or affiliate marketing opportunities. However, there are some paid options that will help you make more money online quickly and easily! For example, some blogging platforms offer affiliate programs that will allow you to make money when you refer people to the platform. Other paid options include paid blog hosting and advertising time. So, if you’re looking to make some money online quickly and easily, free blogging platforms are not the best option. But, if you’re looking for a platform that has more features and opportunities to make money, paid blogging platforms may be a better option for you.

Some impotent FAQs about a free blogging platform in 2022

Which blogging platform offers the most features?

WordPress is its ability to convert existing websites into blogs easily. It offers a wide range of options that enable you to customize your site in a way that is perfect for your needs, the platform is very easy to use and can be edited by anyone with basic computer skills.

How do I find blogs that will accept my content?

The best way to find blogs that will accept content from you may vary depending on the niche or topic that you are writing about. However, some tools that may be useful for finding blogs that will accept content from you include Google search and blog search engines (such as blogger.com, google.com/ blogger, SEO-search-engine-optimization.com, etc.).

Why should I pay for hosting my blog when there are free options available on the internet such as blogger and wordpress.com?

Your blog is more than just a website. It’s your platform to express yourself and connect with others who share your interests. Whether you’re a business owner looking to increase traffic and customer base, or an individual looking to blog about your passions, a hosting plan gives you the control and support you need to get started. Sources: -www.hostgator.com/ blog-hosting -www. wordpress.com

Which blogging platform should I use, WordPress or Blogger?

Blogger is the platform of choice for beginner bloggers, while WordPress is more popular among professional bloggers.


Thanks for reading our blog post! In this post, we have listed the 10 best free blogging platforms that will help you start making money online. While blogging is not a new concept, it has become increasingly popular over the years. Thanks to the proliferation of free blogging platforms, starting a blog has never been easier. All you need is a web platform and a blog template. Furthermore, monetization of your blog is not difficult either. You can make money from your blog in a variety of ways, such as selling advertising space, charging for premium content, or charging for hosting and domain fees. However, make sure that you choose a platform that is suited to your business and blog niche. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free.

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