Policy on DMCA

This Policy on Digital Millennium Copyright (“Policy”) applies to the digitalchang.com website (“website” or “service”) as well as any of its related products and services (collectively, “Services”) and describes what copyright notifications are to be addressed by this site operator (“Operator,” “we,” “us” or “our”), and how you (“you” and “your”) may lodge a copyright-infringing complaint.

It is of the highest significance to us to protect intellectual property and we expect our users and their authorized agents to do the same. Our policy is to respond quickly to unambiguous notifications of alleged copyright infringement, which comply with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”) of 1998, which can be found on the website of the U.S. Copyright Office.

What to do before you complain about copyright?

Consider whether the use could be considered fair use before submitting a copyright complaint. Fair use states that small excerpts of copyrighted material may, under some conditions, be used literally, for such purposes as criticism, news, teaching, and research, without the copyright holder’s consent or payment.

Please note that, if you are unsure whether the material you submit actually breaches, you may choose to contact a lawyer before filing a notification to us.

The DMCA requires you to provide copyright infringement notification with your personal data. You may want to hire an agent to provide you with material reports if you are concerned about the privacy of your personal information.

Infringement notifications

You may submit a written notification of copyright infringement (“Notification”) using the following contact details following the DMCA if you are a copyright owner or an agent thereof and you feel that any material on our Services is infringing your copyrights. All such notifications must comply with the requirements of the DMCA.

The filing of a DMCA complaint is the beginning of a predefined legal process. The accuracy, validity, and completeness of your complaint will be examined. If these requirements have been met, our reply can involve the removal or restriction of access to the allegedly infringing material.

If the access to materials is removed or restricted or any accounts are terminated in response to a Notification of the alleged infringement, we shall endeavor to contact information about the removal or restriction of access to the affected user.

Notwithstanding anything contradictory to any part of this Policy, if the operator fails to comply with all of DMCA’s requirements on such notifications, he shall not take any action after receiving a copyright infringement notification from the DMCA.

The process mentioned in this policy does not limit our capacity to take further actions for suspected infringement.

Modifications and amendments

At any moment after posting an updated version of this Policy on the website, we retain the freedom to amend this Policy or its provisions relating to the website and Services. When we do, at the bottom of this page we shall review the new date.

Infringement of copyright reporting

To inform us of the infringing material or activity, you may contact us by contacting us or send us an e-mail to support@digitalchang.com

This DMCA paper was last updated on 20 SEPTEMBER 2021.